Classification of animals is based on type of symmetry, number of tissue layers, type of coelom, and presence of segmentation.
Generally characteristics of Kingdom Animalia:
Multicelluar organisms with well-developed tissues; ussually motile; heterotrophic by ingestion, generally in digestive cavity; diplontic life cycle. Protostomes include phyla Mollusca, Annelida, and Arthropoda. Deuterostomes include phyla Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and Chordata.
Phylum Porifera : sponges
Phylum Cnidaria: jellyfish, sea anemones, corals
Phylum Ctenophora: comb jellyes, sea walnuts
Phylum Platyhelminthes: flatworma, e.g., planaria, flukes, tapeworms
Phylum Nemertea: ribbon worms
Phylum Nematoda: roundworms
Phylum Rotifera: rotifers
Phylum Mollusca: chitons, snails, slugs, clams, mussels, squids, octopuses
Phylum Annelida: segmented worm,e.g., clam worms, eartworms, leeches.
Phylum Onychopora: walking worm
Phylum Arthropoda: spiders, scorpions, horseshoe crabs, lobsters, crayfish,
shrimps, crabs, millipedes, centipedes, insects
Phylum Echinodermata: sea lilies,sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand
dollars, sea cucumbers, se daisies
Phylum Hemichordata: acorn worm
Phylum Chordata:
Sub phylum Urochordata
Sub phylum Chephalochordata
Sub phylum Vertebrata
Superclass Agnatha: jawless fishes, e.g. lampreys, hagsfishes
Superclass Gnathostomata: jawed fishes, all tetrapods
Class Chondroicthyes: cartilaginous fishes e.g., shark,
skates, rays
Class Osteichtyes: bony fishes,e.g., herring, salmon, cod,
Class Amphibia: frogs, toads, salamanders
Class Reptilia: snakes, lizards, turtles
Class Aves: birds, e.g., sparrows, penguins, ostriches
Class Mammalia: e.g., cats, dogs, horses, rats, humans
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