Rabu, 13 April 2011


7.3. to predict the effect of human population density on the environment

7.3.1. to estimate the relationship between human population density and needs of clean water
7.3.2. to estimate the relationship between human population density and needs of food
7.3.3. to estimate the relationship between human population density and area available
7.3.4. to explain the influence of human population increase on the environmental damage

The population change influenced by:
1.      BIRTH RATE
2.      DEATH RATE
Birth rate is the number of alive baby born per one thousand the number of population per year. The formula of birth rate is:

B.R. = ∑ alive baby born       x 1000
            ∑ of population

Criteria of birth rate are:
  1. B.R. is high if greater than 30
  2. B.R. is medium if 20 – 30
  3. B.R. is low if less than 20

The number of population of Semarang city on 2006 is 500.000 people. While the number of alive baby born on it’s year is 20.000 people. So the birth rate of Semarang city is:

B.R. = 20.000       X 1000
        = 40
Based on the counting of B.R. above, we know that the criteria of B.R. of Semarang city is high because B.R. greater than 30.

Death Rate is the number of people death per one thousand per year. D.R. can be count by the following formula:

D.R. = ∑ of death people      x  1000
            ∑ of population

Criteria of death rate are:
  1. D.R. is high if greater than 18
  2. D.R. is medium if 14-18
  3. D.R. is low if  less than 14

The number of people of Semarang on 2004 is 5000 people, while the number of death people is 25, so the death rate of Semarang is:

D.R. =     25         X 1000
        =      5

So death rate of Semarang on 2004 is 5, it’s mean per one thousand of people there are 5 people has die. Based on the criteria, death rate of Semarang is low because less than 14.

The population change rate can be count by formula:

C.R.   =  B.R. -   D.R.          x 100

A population increases if birth rate is greater than the death rate. While a population decreases if the birth rate is less than the death rate. When the birth rate equal to death rate, the population will stay the same size.

The population density is the number of people that live in the certain area with the certain wide.
The formula of population density is:

P.D.   =   ∑ of people
              Wide of area
On 2006, Demak with 50.000 km2 wide have 500.000 people, so the population density of Demak is:

P.D.  =    500.000 people
                50.000 km2
         =     10 people/km2

The influenced of the population density are:
  1. problem of providing food
when the population change rate is greater than the increase    food production, it can make decrease of people prosperity, this can make lack of food.
  1. decrease of clean water
  2. decrease of the number of forest / deforestation to make new houses or had been converted into farmlands.
  3. increase of waste on the environment, it’s condition make unhealthy sanitation.
  4. increase of infectious disease, so the people get sick easily.
  5. increase of pollution in the environment
  6. because of the increasing of population growth, it makes many area such as forest, park, green zone become smaller and smaller, because they build houses, the main roads or factories, so only small amount of   water can be absorbed into the soil
    ACTIVITY 7.1

    How to provide clean water
    Objective: To know provide clean water

    What would you do to get clean water if there is only limited stock available in you surrounding? To answer the question, do the following activities.

    Tool and material 
    2 plastic bottles of 2 liter volume 
    big pebbles 
    small pebbles 
    palm leaf rib 
    water which will be filtered 
    a knife or scissors
  1. Cut the bottles into two parts, the top part is used as a filter and the bottom part is used for the filtered water.
  2. Put the provided materials into filter 1 to produce clean water as it is designed. Then fill up the bottom part of bottle with water that will be filtered.
  3. Create a second design for bottle 2.
  4. Compare the results of design 1 with that of design 2.

  1. How is the water condition before being filtered in both samples?
  1. Which design produces the cleanest water? Why?

Write your conclusion based on your experiment!

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